What’s in a Name? A Museum Branding Seminar

The Buffalo AKG Art Museum, formerly the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, opened to the public in June 2023, after being closed for nearly four years for a development and expansion project.
Just down the road in Utica, the Munson-Williams-Proctor Arts Institute worked concurrently on a new Campus Master Plan and a new brand, resulting in what is now the new Munson.
The Museum Association of New York (MANY) will host a virtual discussion via Zoom entitled “What’s in a name? (and what we learned about changing one),” on Friday, October 18 from noon until 1:30 pm EST.
This webinar will offer practical information about the process of remaking museums, from a sharpened focus on community to a new name, a new graphic identity, and a new campus. Participants can learn how the Buffalo AKG Art Museum and the Munson Museum of Art (re)introduced their new identities to their staff, their city, and the world, along with tales of what was learned in the process.
Speakers will include Pam Hatley, Head of Publications & Digital Experience at Buffalo AKG Art Museum; Stephen Harrison, Director and Chief Curator at the Munson Museum of Art; and Katherine Laube, Director of Marketing and Communications at the Munson.
The webinar is free but advance registration is required here.
All MANY virtual programs have Closed Captioning and ASL Interpretation provided by Interpretek. For more information, email info@nysmuseums.org or call (518) 273-3400.
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