Muse's new wearable EEG knows how hard you're thinking

InteraXon, the makers of the Muse wearable EEG, believe it’s made a big leap in scanning your brain’s health. It is launching the Muse S Athena, it’s fourth-generation device which adds a Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) sensor. fNIRS is designed to track how much oxygen is in your brain, the levels of which vary depending on its activity. The company claims the sensor offers you the equivalent of a VO2 Max reading, but for your brain, aiding you on your journey to become mentally swole.
If you’re unfamiliar, Muse has produced three wearable electroencephalogram (EEG) devices over the last decade. Put it on your forehead, close your eyes and, for instance, you’ll get audio feedback depending on what brainwaves your mind is pumping out. It’s useful for people who are learning meditation, since you’ll get the sound of birds chirping when your mental state is relaxed. The app offers targeted programs to help improve your relaxation, combat stress, improve focus and even keep an eye on how well you’re sleeping.
The Muse S Athena uses the same hardware-and-headband combination from the Muse S, which lets you wear it to sleep. Naturally, the biggest advancement here is the fNIRS sensor, paired with both the EEG and the company’s AI-driven foundational brain model. With it, you’ll get feedback on how much oxygen is flowing to your brain — a metric of how much mental effort you’re making at any given time. During meditation and relaxation exercises, you want that figure quite low, and when you’re trying to build up your focus and concentration, you want it to climb northward.
Naturally, when worn to bed, you’ll get a record of your sleep stages, including how deep your sleep is. The company also promises that, if you use their audio cues to trigger sleep, you’ll also be able to use them to drift back to sleep if you wake up in the middle of the night.
This is also the first Muse headband that can be used with the wearer’s eyes open, opening the door to a number of brain-training exercises. It’s hoped the hardware, combined with the skill games inside the app, will help improve people’s mental resilience. Not to mention, of course, helping older adults stave off cognitive decline by offering a chance to strengthen focus.
The Muse S Athena is available to order today from the Muse website, priced at $474.99 in the US and $574.99 in Canada.
This article originally appeared on Engadget at
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