Historian Sean Kelleher to Discuss Lafayette at Washington’s Birthday Breakfast

Historian Sean Kelleher, Vice Chairman of the Saratoga 250 Commission and Saratoga Town Historian, will present a special program on Lafayette‘s role in the American Revolution during Ashlar Lodge’s Washington’s Birthday Breakfast on February 2, 2025.
Beginning at 9:30 am, Kelleher will share insights gained from his five decades as an American Revolution reenactor and his extensive research into Lafayette’s special relationship with George Washington.
As a voice in local history, Kelleher brings unique perspectives on Lafayette’s 1825 tour of New York and its significance to the Capital-Saratoga Region.
The presentation is part of Ashlar Lodge #584’s Washington’s Birthday Breakfast at the Greenwich Masonic Temple, 2543 NY Route 40, in Greenwich, Washington County, NY.
The event runs from 7:30 to 10:30 am.
For more information, follow Ashlar Lodge on Facebook or contact Brian Nilsen at (518) 366-3108.
Illustrations, from above: Marquis de Lafayette as a lieutenant general in 1791, by Joseph-Désiré Court (1834); and Lafayette’s Masonic Apron, 1813.
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